About Us
our community
who we are
Black Leaders in Healthcare is a community of over 300 nurses, doctors, Allied Health Professionals, programme managers and so much more. Our members represent all specialties from Mental Health to Cardiothoracic Surgeons working in both private and public settings across the U.K.

our mission
what we do
For generations there has been an over representation of Black individuals choosing to work within the health and social care sector.
Yet to this day, the narrative of those same essential workers having to overcome unnecessary barriers to career progression and development remains, as a direct or indirect result of their race.
We are passionate about building a community of Black Leaders and investing in change for future generations to come.
Although we are founded by Black Healthcare professionals we are an inclusive Community. All ethnicities and professions are welcome to join and experience growth through shared learning.
our story
How it all started

our values
what we stand for
Between technical jargon and simple English!
Not workforce management, but flattening hierarchies to improve communication.
Being true to ourselves and unapologetically refusing to conform.
To the needs of our community.
Is power! No question is a stupid question.
our team
meet your black leaders

CEO & Founder

CEO & Founder
Juliana is the Head of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion at a London NHS FT Trust. Juliana's previous roles include Population Health & Financial Strategy Manager at an NHS Clinical Commissioning Group; Improvement and Change Management Specialist at one of the largest NHS Trusts in England; Operational Manager at the Office for National Statistics (ONS); and National Governance & Project Management Office Manager for NHS England/Improvement. She has over 20years experience in Health & Social Care improvement programmes, and in 2020 was deployed to work for the Prime Ministers Office.
Juliana has degrees in BA Hons Youth & Community Work, and BSc Hons Health Services Management, as well as an Advanced Diploma in Healthcare Finance from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
Juliana has a wide range of experience in managing large scale projects with a keen interest in reducing health inequalities nationally. Juliana pledges to do her part through Black Leaders CIC, working with system leaders and health care professionals to break the bias and improve healthcare for all.

Director of Learning

Director of Learning
Dee is a Group Patient Safety Specialist at a large acute NHS hospital trust, where she is responsible for the processes for introducing new ways of working under the NHS National Patient Safety Strategy.
Dee has a strong background in risk management, clinical governance, quality and patient safety and has also spent time in clinical commissioning, overseeing and advising on strengthening the quality of serious incident management for commissioned services, receiving an outstanding recognition from NHSE in the process.
Dee supports clinical staff and managers in navigating the changes to how the NHS responds to incident and patient safety investigations, helping them understand how to embed the processes into daily activities.
Dee believes in the importance of building trust and confidence to ensure that issues are highlighted, and problems addressed in an open environment, as well as supporting staff through coaching to both identify and recognise their potential, building skills that will enable them to be promoted into more challenging and rewarding roles.
Dee holds a Masters’ in Healthcare Leadership from the NHS Leadership Academy and University of Birmingham and a clinical qualification in Operating Department Practice. Dee has a keen love of romance novels and emotional thrillers, never stops humming and lives in the West Midlands.

Non-Executive Director

Non-Executive Director
Jacqui Defoe, widely recognised on social media as #JacquiWhoAlwaysLovesToSmile, spent over a decade as an Investment Banker, specialising in managing the wealth of high-net-worth clients. However, after deep self/reflection, she chose to pursue a more fulfilling path that allowed her to dedicate more time to her family. For over 20 years, Jacqui has served as a foster carer, providing long-term stability and care to over 30 children, some of whom she supported for as long as 13 years!
In addition to her work as a foster carer, Jacqui is passionate about motivational writing. Online she shares daily inspirational messages aimed at uplifting and encouraging others. In her free time, Jacqui enjoys walking, dancing, cycling, and traveling—though not necessarily in that order.